God’s way to successful marriage.

God created marriage and He wants your marriage to succeed. But for most couples, we tend to handle conflict our own way, which leads to shame, blame and negative thoughts about our spouse. What if you and your spouse could learn a new way of handling conflict that is rooted in biblical principles that can help you be successful in your marriage?

Our Approch

During mediation, innovative marriage-saving approaches combined with Biblical principles, cognitive tools and techniques are used that help point couples back to the heart of Christ. Couples are educated on how marriages sometimes get out of alignment and how to master their differences for ultimate reconciliation


Crisis Call

A crisis call is to provide compassion and understanding for couples and individual spouses who are suffering

Destruction Communication

Unresolved conflict

Fears and Isolation

Intimacy Issues

Overwhelming Hopelessness

We can help you determine next steps toward initiating the healing process.

If you are experiencing abuse, addiction or thoughts of suicide, we encourage you to contact your local hotlines for professional help and treatment. We are not qualified to counsel or consult in these areas.

One day Mediation Session- 8 hours

An intensive session where couples learn how to handle conflict in a healthy manner using mediation techniques and tools that are combined with XO Marriage resources that teach couples how to do marriage God’s way.

Two Day Mediation (if needed)

Continuation of the first day intensive with a more in-depth look at the couple’s individual strengths. The mediator and the couple will determine if another session is needed.

Virtual 90 min aftercare session (included with your mediation session)

Once a couple completes a mediation session, a 90-min virtual session is available to provide ongoing help when needed. One 90-min session is included with a mediation session. Any additional 90 min session will be an extra cost.


The marriage mediation has gave us so much hope going forward into our marriage. When we first came in we were nervous and anxious but with Holly being so kind and generous, she made it very comfortable to be open and vulnerable. I truly believe that these tools that Holly has given us are God centered, and will be helpful, and life changing. I can’t wait to see these tools put into real scenarios in our marriage. I can’t thank Holly enough for helping, loving and guiding us into a healthier loving marriage. I definitely recommend this to anyone who has doubt in their marriage. You won’t regret it.

Courtland and Sidney


Marriage Mediation is a cognitive, faith-based session. If you have been diagnosed with any disorders that may interrupt your mental ability to participate in this type of learning environment, please let me know. it is my job to make sure you are an appropriate candidate for mediation, and want to make every effort to ensure that your financial investment and time are well spent. The session is not designed to address mental disorders, addictions, deep-rooted emotional pain, or abuse. Marriage Mediation is specifically designed to help couples who are motivated to move forward in their marriage.


Holly Barrett

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